SHGAPE.org partners with H-SHGAPE, which features announcements, discussions, and exclusive book reviews. H-SHGAPE, sponsored by the H-Net online discussion network has been in continuous operation since 1994. For the most recent H-SHGAPE content, click here.
Book Reviews
As part of its mission to foster the scholarly discussion of the Gilded Age and Progressive Era online, H-SHGAPE commissions volunteer reviewers to review works deemed important to the study of the period. Print journals can take a year or more to review new books. H-SHGAPE publishes professional book reviews much more quickly.
Authors, publishers, and list readers are invited to send book announcements and suggestions for reviews to H-SHGAPE Book Review Editor, William Cossen.
Individuals interested in reviewing for H-SHGAPE should also contact William Cossen.
All reviews written for H-SHGAPE must conform with the guidelines and standards of H-NET Reviews.
For latest H-SHGAPE reviews, click here.
Become a member
Membership in SHGAPE affords you a place in the primary professional network of Gilded Age and Progressive Era scholars. Your membership gains you entry into a vibrant and growing community and helps to advance your understanding of a critical period in American history. As a self-supporting organization, SHGAPE depends on its members to continue its current activities and take on new initiatives
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